Do you believe in magic?


Do you believe in Magic?

I don’t know about you but I definitely believe in magic. I just watched ‘Finding Neverland’ again. If you’ve never seen it you must put it on your watch list.

I won’t be a plot spoiler but I will tell you that it is about J.M. Barrie writing Peter Pan. Is there anything more magical than eternal youth? Well yes…believing in fairies.

As most of you know the only thing that will keep Tinker-Bell from dying is for anyone who believes to clap their hands and when Peter pleads with us to do just that I can’t keep my hands from slapping together…I dare you to try!

I know at some point we’re supposed to stop the silly nonsense and grow up but I think that’s wrong. I’m as guilty as anyone for forgetting that life can be magical but I am well on my way to becoming a reformed skeptic.

2014 has been a year of magic for me. I started the year with some lofty intentions and no idea how they would come to pass but guess what, almost like magic they have. I could tell you incredible stories about finding love, presenting a keynote address, writing a chapter for a book, doing healing work around the world or building a school in Africa but I won’t take up your time with details…let’s leave a little to your imagination.

As I set my intentions for 2015 I include more travel for work and play. My first of four trips to China in 2015 to work with the Bioenergetic training group begins in just a week. Then there is Monterey in March, Brazil in August and a few other possibilities in the works.

I also have some interesting relationship workshops and trainings planned so please join me and let’s see what we can do to sprinkle some magic for you through 2015. I’ll keep you informed about where I am and what I’m doing as the year progresses.
Please let me know if you need help stretching your curiosity muscle. finding love, making magic or finding fairies. It would bring me great joy to support with your growth and healing,.