Thankful For You

I feel so full of gratitude. 

I know what you are thinking – this year has been a roller coaster! It is hard to feel thankful when there has been so much sadness and stress. I started this year with so much promise like you but then the world came to a halt. With the holidays upon us, I have spent some time reflecting and realized there is still so much to be thankful for. After I did this I was surprised how hopeful I was. This year I am putting a virtual spin on my favorite gratitude activity that Rita Watson shared on Psychology Today.

A Basket of Gratitude for Every Day Thanks 

Sometimes by reaching into our hearts, we can refill our basket of gratitude.

Thanksgiving is oftentimes stressful – for lovers, for couples, for families. Create a basketful of gratitude quotes. You might just keep a basket full of quotes on your kitchen table to reach into at various moments in the day.  And at special holidays, put the basket on the table and invite everyone to take a gratitude quote and read it. You will see how quickly gratitude quotes, expressions, and thanks are generated.

This year passing a gratitude basket is most likely not possible. I am “passing the basket” by sending texts to my loved ones which they respond back to. This is a great way to feel connected to those near and far. I already started and it has created a beautiful chain of love between us.  I hope you feel the power of gratitude like I do. Please share messages of thanks with your family and friends this Thanksgiving even if virtually. To learn more ways to incorporate gratitude into your relationship, join us in December for an online ‘Getting the Love You Want‘ Workshop. 

You will get all the support you need or want, just as you would in an in-person workshop. Because we are sensitive to online fatigue, we will adjust the schedule, and you will have time to write or practice on your own with our help. 

You can also feel confident deciding how much personal information you want to share with the group. We will spend time together learning new theories and communication skills. Then, we will send you to private cyber breakout rooms to practice those skills. Only the facilitators will have access to your rooms. You can ask us to stay and assist or send us away if you feel you have everything you need to connect with one another.

We hope you will join us!