Hooking Up Vs Connecting Up

by Garet Bedrosian I recently read an interesting article, The Decisive Marriage by Tara Parker-Pope. The article is about how couples who are more decisive before marriage have more successful relationships. I am particularly intrigued because I work with so many people interested in finding and keeping happy, intimate, and long lasting relationships. Their desire to find… Continue reading Hooking Up Vs Connecting Up

The Zen of May Gray/June Gloom

Here in San Diego we have a saying, ‘May Gray, June Gloom’ which describes the weather during this time of year when our infamous sunny, blue skies turn into cold, damp, overcast gray. We owe the cooler, overcast climate during these months to the cold water current flowing from British Columbia, Canada and Alaska to California.… Continue reading The Zen of May Gray/June Gloom

Personal History vs Being in Love

  I just found out that May is Personal History month which naturally caused me to think about my own history. This is a picture of my paternal grandmother, Anna Bozigian Bedrosian who, because of her determination, inspired me to reach for a better life. As a therapist and a person eager for self knowledge I’ve… Continue reading Personal History vs Being in Love

What is Your Heart Expression?

Are you asking yourself the same question I’m asking myself…what happened to the summer? We just celebrated Labor Day, already! One of my incredible summer adventures was a horseback riding trip to Monument Valley, Utah. Being on horseback, surrounded by 50 millions year old structures challenged my limiting beliefs. In relation to the wonders of the world… Continue reading What is Your Heart Expression?

How to make a marriage work

An interesting article about how to have a successful marriage…